Saturday, 21 April 2007

Shy Exhibitionist

shy1 (shī)

adj., shi·er (shī'ər) or shy·er, shi·est (shī'ĭst) or shy·est.

Easily startled; timid.
Drawing back from contact or familiarity with others;
retiring or reserved.
Marked by reserve or diffidence: a shy glance.
Distrustful; wary: shy of strangers.

Not having paid an amount due, as one's ante in poker.
Short; lacking: Eleven is one shy of a dozen.

intr.v., shied (shīd), shy·ing, shies (shīz).

To move suddenly, as if startled; start.
To draw back, as from fear or caution; recoil.
n., pl. shies (shīz).
A sudden movement, as from fright; a start.

shy2 (shī)

v., shied (shīd), shy·ing, shies (shīz).
To throw (something) with a swift motion; fling.

To throw something with a swift motion.

n., pl. shies (shīz).
A quick throw; a fling.
Informal. A gibe; a sneer.
Informal. An attempt; a try.
[Perhaps from SHY1.]

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